DBC Blog

Phase 0

Week 7 11/15/2015

In the seventh week of Dev Bootcamp, we were introduced to JavaScript. For this entry, I want to give a brief comparison between Ruby classes and JavaScript constructor functions.

Two ways to define an object

In object-oriented programming (OOP), the goal is to create objects and to internalize/hide as much of the behavior of the object inside of its definition. Then, we define methods/functions which allow objects of different types to interact. However, objects of one type cannot perform the behaviors of objects of a different type. For example, a cat object can meow and a dog object can bark, but a cat object cannot bark at a mail-carrier and a dog object cannot run up a tree and hiss at invisible demon squirrels.

There are two ways to define new objects in OOP: Class-based OOP and Prototype-based OOP. In Class-based OOP, you define a Class for an object. A Class encapsulates all of an objects decriptors (nouns/properties/instance variables) and actions (verbs/methods). One of the methods in the Class is the initialize method. This is the method used to create new instances of the class. Classes are immutable. You cannot add new properties to a particular instance of the object without add that property to the Class iself. On the other hand, in Prototype-bassed OOP, you construct a new object through an object literal declaration - see the next section for an example. Unlike Class-based object, Prototype-based objects are mutable. You can add new properties to an instance of an object. Some examples of Class-based languagees include: C++, Java, PHP, and Ruby. Examples of Prototype-based languages include: JavaScript and (after adding the necessary packages) Perl, Python, and R.

An example of a Prototyped object

Last week, I gave an example of a Super Villain Class in Ruby. We would create this same object in JavaScript as follows:

      // One method is to construct an object literal ...

      var superVillain = {name: "Damagonstro", 
                          type: "nemesis", 
                          superPower: "atomic wedgie", 
                          costumeColor: "puce"};

      // Another more standard method is to define an object constructor function

      superVillain = function(name, type, superPower, costumeColor) {
          this.name = name;
          this.type = type;
          this.superPower = superPower;
          this.costumeColor = costumeColor;

      // Then to construct a new super villain we declare ...

      var badGuy = new superVillain("Damagonstro", "nemesis", "atomic wedgie", "puce");
      var badGal = new superVillain("The Tenderizor", "super human", "concussive vocal fry", "neon indigo");

      console.log(badGal);  //Which outputs

      { name: 'The Tenderizor',
        type: 'super human',
        superPower: 'concussive vocal fry',
        costumeColor: 'neon indigo' }


Let's focus on the object literal construction. Suppose I create badGuy and badGal as object literals. I can add additional properties to them as follows:

      var badGuy = {name: "Damagonstro", 
                    type: "nemesis", 
                    superPower: "atomic wedgie", 
                    costumeColor: "puce"};

      var badGal = {name: 'The Tenderizor',
                    type: 'super human',
                    superPower: 'concussive vocal fry',
                    costumeColor: 'neon indigo"};

      badGal.partnerInCrime = "Damagonstro";
      badGuy.partnerInCrime = "The Tenderizor";

      // Which outputs ...
      { name: 'The Tenderizor',
        type: 'super human',
        superPower: 'concussive vocal fry',
        costumeColor: 'neon indigo',
        partnerInCrime: 'Damagonstro' }
      { name: 'Damagonstro',
        type: 'nemesis',
        superPower: 'atomic wedgie',
        costumeColor: 'puce',
        partnerInCrime: 'The Tenderizor' }


Notice that both super villains have an extra property .partnerInCrime. This shows Prototype-based OOP has much greater flexibility than Class-based OOP. Advocates for Prototype-based OOP find this to be a desirable feature. It allows a programmer to work with a few instances and then, later on, use these as prototypes for more detailed/complicated instances. This feature also allows prototypes to be altered during the running of a program. Critics argue that this is what makes Prototype-based OOP unsafe and unpredictable compared to Class-based OOP.